A media release from Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) received September 25 provides an update on the COVID-19 Outbreak at Fellowes High School in Pembroke, as follows:
Effective September 26, 2020, RCDHU is declaring the Outbreak at Fellowes High School over. RCDHU is confirming that no additional positive tests among students, staff, or close contacts at Fellowes High School were received. Starting Saturday September 26th, students and staff no longer need to self-isolate and classes will resume Monday, September 28th.
Dr. Robert Cushman, Acting Medical Officer of Health, RCDHU, states, “It has been two weeks since an individual with COVID-19 was in the school, and I am now confident that school can safely resume on Monday.”
Dr. Cushman and the staff at RCDHU want to thank the Fellowes High School community, students, staff, and their families, for their patience and cooperation. A prompt school closure followed by aggressive contact tracing and testing as well as strict compliance with public health directives have successfully contained the outbreak.
Dr. Cushman continues, “This intervention was necessary to ensure everyone’s safety. This outbreak, 5 cases in the school and 4 more amongst associated family members, is a graphic example of the challenges we face. COVID-19 can spread rapidly. We must all work together to do everything we can to combat the virus if we are going to keep our schools open, our economy moving and our community safe.”
Ongoing vigilance required
As Renfrew County and District navigates the second wave of COVID-19, RCDHU reminds residents of the importance in self-monitoring and self-isolating for COVID-19 symptoms. It is also imperative that everyone do their part to stay home if they are sick, avoid contact with people who are ill, limit their social activities, practice physical distancing (2 metres), wear a mask/face covering when physical distancing cannot be maintained, wash their hands, use the COVID Alert App, and keep their bubble small.
RCDHU reminds all residents to complete the COVID-19 self-assessment tool or COVID-19 school screening tool daily before going to work, school or daycare, to monitor for symptoms and proper guidance.
For COVID-19 testing dates and times visit the Renfrew County Virtual Triage Assessment Centre (VTAC) testing schedule or call RC VTAC at 1- 844-727-6404 to book an appointment for testing.
Renfrew County and District Health Unit(2020, Sept.25) RCDHU Update on COVID-19 Outbreak at Fellowes High School [media release]