Citizens groups issue Federal Court challenge against giant radioactive waste facility beside the Ottawa River

Concerned Citizens of Renfrew County and Area, Ralliement contre la pollution radioactive and the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility have launched a legal challenge to the recent decision by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) to license the construction of a giant radioactive waste mound beside the Ottawa River, 180 km north-west …

The Current’s legal claim against Madawaska Valley Township and former Council has been settled

At the Council in Committee meeting held on February 6, 2024, it was announced that the legal proceedings commenced by The Current’s owners and their business, MadValley Media, alleging misfeasance in public office and defamation, has been settled. The lawsuit was begun in late 2019 against the Township of Madawaska …

Bite-sized news at Feb.4 2024

Active living for Valley seniors Monday, Feb.12 1pm-3pm The Killaloe Public Library hosts a workshop from Western University’s Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging. Physiotherapist and Lecturer Steve Di Ciacca will give a virtual presentation, and attendees can meet local volunteer Fitness Instructors. To register call 613-757-3108 or email …

Ace of Spades still on the loose

Here are the latest Weekly Prize Winners in St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation’s Catch The Ace progressive lottery. Remember, all proceeds support the purchase of essential medical equipment for St. Francis Memorial Hospital. Week #12 Marg Levean of Whitney (above left) purchased her ticket online. She chose envelope number 38 …

It’s official: Madawaska Valley District School

The Renfrew County District School Board’s (RCDSB) Board of Trustees is pleased to endorse the recommendation from the School Naming Committee, of the merged JK-12 school in Barry’s Bay, formerly Sherwood Public School and Madawaska Valley District High School, now officially named Madawaska Valley District School.  A well-attended, open to the public, …

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