An August tradition – Killaloe Fair
This weekend marks the annual Killaloe Craft and Community Fair – a summertime tradition in the Valley since the mid-1970s. The not-for-profit outdoor community festival is run by volunteers and offers a multitude of activities and events: makers market, camping, live music, DJ stage, kids’ parade and games, food and drink vendors, workshops, and much more for all ages and interests. Entry to the Fair site at 2789 Mountain View Road starts at 2pm today and the gates close at 4pm on Sunday, Aug.11th. If you missed buying Advance Tickets, you can still purchase entry at the door. The Fair site is located at 2789 Mountain View Road. For full details, visit

Barry’s Bay hosts Taste of the Valley
Renfrew County makers, growers, bakers and more offer their wares in this annual festival at Railway Station Park in Barry’s Bay on Saturday Aug.10 from 10am to 3pm. Live music all day from Dexter and Serena, and from Cori Coulas. You can browse the stalls and enjoy lunch in the Park. Remember to pack your cooler! For more information see
Next up at Madawaska Valley Public Library
- Science fun on STEM Saturday! Make a pool noodle rocket this Saturday Aug.10 at 11am.
- Story Time in the Park at 10:30am on Tuesday Aug.13. Meet at Zurakowski Park for games and a story.
- BIAK EarlyOn! Drumming session at the Library on Wednesday Aug.14 starting at 10:30am.
- Meet Sgt. Roberge at 1:30pm on Thursday Aug.15 and learn about being an OPP Officer at this week’s Community Star session at the Library.
Pre-register with MV Public Library by telephone 613-756-2000 or email
Calling Valley history fans
The Friends of Rockingham Church host the 22nd Anniversary of the restoration of the Rockingham Church this Sunday, Aug.11th at 2pm. This year’s guest speaker is local author Johanna Zomers whose presentation is about growing up on the Opeongo Line and how it has shaped her writing. Live music by the Lyra Ensemble chamber choir. Am outdoor social time with refreshments will follow. For more information visit
Joyce Burkholder art at Madawaska Coffee
Enjoy work by local artist Joyce Burkholder as you sip your coffee at Madawaska Coffee in Barry’s Bay until Sept.3. One of the “Wild Women Painters of the Wilderness,” Burkholder participates in the Madawaska Valley Studio Tour every summer and fall, so this is your chance to catch another glimpse of her work.