BLR Councillor concerned about bias following Integrity Commissioner’s investigation

A blistering report was presented to Brudenell Lyndoch and Raglan (BLR) Council on November 4th by the BLR Integrity Commissioner. Above: Integrity Commissioner Peggy Young-Lovelace E4m (Photo Elliot Lake Standard) The report followed a complaint that Councillor Andrea Budarick, after declaring a pecuniary interest, contravened sections of the Municipal Conflict …

MV Township closemouthed after another Freedom of Information reversal

Earlier this year The Current’s publisher sent a Freedom of Information request (FOI) under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) to Madawaska Valley Township’s CAO Suzanne Klatt. He asked for disclosure of records that the Township and Council relied on to justify the personal public …

Controversy and secrecy surrounds sudden departure of Seat of Wisdom College President – culture of fear said to exist

On August 14 Seat of Wisdom College (SWC) posted an announcement on its website stating: “Dr. Ryan Williams will no longer be continuing as president of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College.” The announcement did not give a reason for his sudden departure, but subsequent investigation by The Current, based …

Investigation of BLR Fire chief leads to Ombudsman complaint

Brudenell Lyndoch and Raglan Township (BLR) has agreed to comply with two recommendations from the Provincial Ombudsman after a complaint of illegal meetings of BLR Council was filed earlier this year, according to records seen by The Current.  Following the Ombudsman’s review, BLR Township agreed to “be vigilant in adhering …

Pandemic hasn’t stopped Bell Canada from gouging rural communities

Editor’s note: The Current agrees with regular contributor James Di Fiore that this opinion he wrote for will resonate with many of our readers.   There are a slew of adjustments one must make when they transition from urban dweller to country bumpkin. Personally, my first seemingly insurmountable issue …

CBS Democratic debate an unadulterated shitshow

Opinion After a somewhat promising debate in Nevada, the Democratic Party virtually imploded last night as candidates desperately tried to light a spark under their campaigns, mostly by relentlessly attacking each other while interrupting one incoherent sentence with yet another incoherent sentence. With most of the candidates focusing their ire …

BLR Council unhappy with Integrity Commissioner’s explanation for her fees

At the January 22 meeting of Brudenell Lyndoch & Raglan (BLR) Council, members discussed the response received from Integrity Commissioner Peggy Young-Lovelace of Expertise for Municipalities (E4M) for an explanation of the size of her account following an investigation she carried out last year. As reported by The Current at …

A walk to the pond

Do you remember the smells of your childhood? Yeah, me too. Specifically, my sense of recall for the fragrances of the cottage in Quebec where my family visited as a child is instant. It’s also intoxicating. It’s a mix between general cottage mustiness, the lingering aroma of my grandmother’s cooking, …

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