Killaloe OPP news as of Aug. 14

Photo: peupleloup During the week of August 7, 2018 to August 12, 2018 there were 113 calls for service, including the Whitney Detachment. There were eleven motor vehicle collisions, no collisions were animal related. There were three domestic dispute calls for service, and no domestic disputes resulting in criminal …

Open mic at the Station

Mushana Schroeder and Jamie Manion Local musicians performed at an Open Mic session at the Railway Station in Barry’s Bay on Friday August 10. Players of different ages and genres brought their own instruments or took advantage of the sound equipment, guitar and piano that were provided to entertain a …

Avoiding post-election blisters

Editorial In the 2014 municipal election, 62.76 percent of Madawaska Valley voters participated. This compares to the provincial average which, according to Wikipedia, was 43.12 percent. This demonstrated a commendable commitment to the electoral process on the part of this community but it begs the question, will there be a …

The bionic Saint

Photo: Evan Brockett It’s hard to find positive news so let me tell you how Saints show up in the weirdest places. I have spent many hours over the past decade picking up litter on Arbor Vitae Road, another family member collects on parts of Paugh Lake Road, and …

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