Basil Borutski dead

Triple murderer Basil Borutski died of apparent natural causes at Millhaven Institution on Thursday, March 28th as confirmed by Correctional Service Canada in a media release distributed on April 2nd. The CSC release, “At the time of death, the inmate had been serving an indeterminate sentence, which commenced on December …

Ace of Spades still on the loose

Here are the latest Weekly Prize Winners in St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation’s Catch The Ace progressive lottery. Remember, all proceeds support the purchase of essential medical equipment for St. Francis Memorial Hospital. Week #12 Marg Levean of Whitney (above left) purchased her ticket online. She chose envelope number 38 …

Valley gardeners look ahead

Winter is traditionally the time for gardeners to place their seed orders and make plans to start seedlings indoors. But green thumbs in Madawaska Valley use their January meeting for fun as well as planning. On Thursday, Jan.18 at the Opeongo Seniors Centre, 19 Stafford Street in Barry’s Bay, MV …

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