What happened?!

Disappointed, dismayed and concerned, at times even shocked at what I am reading on the internet and hearing about the goings-on in Madawaska Valley.  I have been following the MV elections because I care about MV and still believe that it has great potential to become a thriving corner of …

Kamaniskeg Lake resident concerned about Combermere Lodge proposed condo subdivision

Above: Township of Madawaska Valley key map re proposed plan of subdivision (application 47-T-18001) and a proposed plan of condominium (47-CD-18002) Editor’s Note: The Current has received the following letter from a resident on Kamaniskeg Lake regarding the upcoming public meeting about the proposed subdivision and condominium plan applications from Combermere …

To nature lovers

During an unexpected power outage in May I went for a walk before daylight ended. At one of my usual stops I enjoyed specks of sunshine like sparkling diamonds dancing on the lake. Except for the natural sounds of insects, chipmunks, small song birds, ducks taking to flight and the …

A Railway Station dialogue

Editor’s note: The Current recently published a press release from the Madawaska Valley Culture & Heritage Society. Click HERE for that piece. Upon reading it, Mary-Rose Dawes posted a comment, to which Doug De La Matter, MVCHS Chair, has provided a response. The Current considers that their dialogue covers important …

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