Win with lead-free fishing

Submitted by Carson Trout Lepine and Greenan Lakes Association Last May, Carson Trout Lepine and Greenan Lakes Association (CTLG Lakes) began its own campaign to create awareness about the harmful effects of lead used in fishing tackle. If lead sinkers and jigs are used for fishing, they can be inadvertently …

County warns parents of likely school bus disruption

The Renfrew County Joint Transportation Consortium (RCJTC) notified students’ parents and guardians yesterday, August 27th, of a likely disruption to the school bus service as the fall term begins. RCJTC released the following statement to media: Unfortunately, school bus companies have shown no movement, and continue to reject our offers …

Military vehicles on roads as annual field exercise concludes

Increased military traffic can be expected on major highways in Northern and Central Ontario on August 27, 2024. Canadian Army Reserve personnel and vehicles from across 4th Canadian Division (4 Cdn Div) will conduct convoy operations as they travel to and from Exercise STALWART GUARDIAN, a major annual Canadian Army …

Train coming to Barry’s Bay

There’s a new train coming to the Barry’s Bay Railway Station on Labour Day Weekend. Unlike the locomotive-powered trains that arrived here in bygone days, this train won’t be accompanied by steam and cinders. But it should bring lasting excitement and pleasure to today’s youngsters. Saturday, August 31st is the …

False information circulated about settlement of The Current’s legal claim against MV

On February 7th 2024 The Current published a joint media release advising of the settlement of its lawsuit against MV Township and the former Council. LINK: The Current’s legal claim against Madawaska Valley Township and former Council has been settled. The terms made public were that Council would revoke the …

Bite-sized news at Aug.9th 2024

An August tradition – Killaloe Fair This weekend marks the annual Killaloe Craft and Community Fair – a summertime tradition in the Valley since the mid-1970s. The not-for-profit outdoor community festival is run by volunteers and offers a multitude of activities and events: makers market, camping, live music, DJ stage, …

OPP Bulletins Aug.6 2024

More than 2X speed limit results in charge The Killaloe Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is reminding motorists that aggressive driving is dangerous and is a leading factor in fatal motor vehicle collisions on OPP patrolled roads. On August 4, 2024, just before 9:30 a.m., members of the …

OPP and Algonquins of Pikwakanagan partnership yields arrests and seizure of drugs, paraphernalia and money

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) continues to offer support to the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, which declared a State of Emergency December 1, 2023, in response to opioid related harms affecting the community and its members. On August 2, 2024, around 3:00 p.m., members of the Ontario Provincial Police …

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